Blogging is so much easier than becoming a reality tv star.
Reality tv pairs naturally with having 18 children, owning a tattoo parlor in hollywood, or dating a desperate bachelor–all of which are categories I am unqualified to pursue at the moment. Thankfully for me, my husband, and future children, there are more wholesome and attainable means by which to share one’s adventures with the world. Welcome. Please feel free to read early and read often.
In May 2010, my husband and I moved from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Auckland, New Zealand.
Don’t worry, we didn’t move because we’re crazy. At least, that’s not the only reason. I’ll be recording our adventures along the way, good and bad.
I majored in English, but I’m a horrible speller.
If you spy a misspelled word while reading, good for you. Please forgive me this tragic flaw. I know for strong spellers, a misspelling can cause great annoyance; as if someone has left food stains on the book you lent them. Don’t-mind-me-I’m-just-eating-a-scone-while-digesting-Dickens stains. Take heart. I’m working to improve, one word at a time.
I majored in English, but I work as a graphic designer.
But stay in school. It all works out in the end.
I’m not using a blog alias for my husband.
He’s really ok with it, I think. I mean, he could have been Mr. Eby, Mr. Action Figure Name Here or Mr. We Can Carry Everything In One Trip but I think he’s better off without them.
I’d like to thank…
What can I say, I’ve got friends in high places. I’m honored to say the powers-that-be have recognized this blog as worth reading. Thank you Go! Overseas, I am honored. And thank you, faithful readers, for your feedback and encouragement. This badge is for you:
Send me a note.
eby [at] theeducationofeby [dot] com